Smart Factory Machine Vision

Paving the way for Industry 4.0

As part of Industry 4.0, companies are aiming to minimize the use of materials and energy in production while achieving maximum benefit.
In addition, networked and more flexible production processes can give rise to new business models.
Smart Factory Machine Vision is one of the valuable drivers of the factory of the future in intelligent factories of the future.

Image processing as an optimization solution in networked production

In production, random sampling is increasingly being replaced by 100% inspections.
The individual production steps are fully documented and traceable – a key factor not only for safety-critical products.
Innovative image processing solutions from i-mation enable reliable quality inspection in the production cycle.
In addition to considerable increases in eficiency, expensive recalls and reputational damage can be avoided.

But image processing systems in the smart factory can do even more.
For example, they make it possible to identify trends in production processes at an early stage in order to take countermeasures and initiate optimization measures if necessary.
For example, warning limits can be taught in to classify inspection criteria such as defect types, sizes, dimensions and so on.
This allows creeping changes in production, which would otherwise be detected too late, to be detected at an early stage.
Quality-relevant characteristics can be documented over time.
Long-term analyses can be carried out on this basis, providing information on the causes of defects.

This transforms an inspection system into a valuable optimization solution in the networked production of intelligent factories.

Image processing and big data

The smart factory is only truly “smart” if data from each individual production phase is monitored and processed in real time.
Our image processing solutions not only enable inline quality inspection, but also provide important information that can automatically trigger further actions.
For example, machine vision systems are a valuable component in the field of predictive maintenance, enabling wear and necessary repairs to be detected at an early stage and expensive machine and production downtime to be avoided.

Smart Factory Machine Vision

Our Smart Factory Vision systems at a glance:

Vision systems

Our vision systems have a library of sophisticated image processing tools and are flexibly scalable in terms of their hardware equipment.
This allows the vision systems to solve an enormous range of tasks or be used for specific tasks such as code and character reading or color recognition.

The selection of vision systems is always manufacturer-independent and is based on your customer and application-specific requirements.

Areas of application for our vision systems:

  • Position detection
  • 2D surveying tasks in transmitted and reflected light
  • Attendance check
  • Code reading and verification (1D codes, data matrix codes, font reading, font verification)
  • Detection and localization of parts
  • Type differentiation
  • Pick&Place applications

Vision Software

Comprehensive vision tool libraries in combination with powerful PCs and multi-camera applications open up new scope for the realization of the most sophisticated optical inspection systems.

The preconfigured, permanently integrated image acquisition support for all common industrial cameras and video formats enables cost-efficient image acquisition with GigE Vision®, FireWire®, Camera Link®, high-speed analog cameras and many other image sources.

i-check DB for VisionPro® – Intelligent automation

i-check DB is our standard software solution for the automation of Cognex VisionPro® projects in industrial environments.
It supplements the VisionPro image processing software with important elements and enables fast and uncomplicated commissioning as well as simple operation of complex projects.

Any additional cameras required can be added without any additional license fees.

The only limit is the performance of the PC.

ID reader

Product marking using 1D barcodes and 2D data matrix codes is becoming increasingly widespread across all industries.
Products must be traceable throughout the entire production and distribution chain right through to the end customer.
Regardless of the marking process (etching, dot peen, laser marking or inkjet printing) or the surface to be marked (metals, plastics, glass and ceramics), reliable reading with read rates of > 99.5% is required.

We meet these requirements by using high-performance ID readers from leading manufacturers such as Cognex, SICK and Keyence.
In combination with customized lighting and optical components, they ensure reliable code reading for your specific applications.

Areas of application

Get in touch with us

Would you like to find out more about the possible applications and benefits of Smart Factory Machine Vision?
Just give us a call or send us an e-mail.
+49 741 942 286-00

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