3D Machine Vision

The eye of Industry 4.0

The classic tasks of 2D image processing must be expanded to include the third dimension for autonomous robot applications in Industry 4.0.
Three-dimensional detection of the object and its surroundings is essential if handling tasks are to be performed completely autonomously by the robot.

Capture objects & determine coordinates

Our “3D Machine Vision” division has specialized in this complex, future-oriented topic.
We design and implement manufacturer-independent solutions for customer-specific tasks.
For example, the localization of objects for “reaching into the box”.

3D systems for object acquisition or component measurement

The high-speed 3D cameras we use are suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.
At high production speeds, the cameras inspect the object shape (3D) and other properties such as brightness and scattered light (MultiScan) at the same time.
Capturing the third dimension also provides information on object height, shape and volume.

With MultiScan technology, a single camera captures most of the object information required for safe and reliable decisions.
This makes solutions simpler and more cost-effective.

3D systems for determining coordinates

Robot applications in production involve complex tasks such as gripping randomly placed components on a conveyor belt or bulk goods in a pallet cage.

In order for a robot to be able to grip the components in a targeted manner, it is necessary to visually detect where and how the component is positioned.
The usual three spatial coordinates X, Y and Z are no longer sufficient for this.
Instead, the three spatial angles RX, RY and RZ must also be determined.

i-mation has developed a powerful method for precisely aligning the coordinate systems of the robot and the scanned space – an essential prerequisite for safe gripping of the robot.

Our 3D system is characterized by the following features:

  • Precise positioning of components in the scanned area
  • High process reliability thanks to high insensitivity to ambient light
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Simple teach-in of reference parts
  • No special knowledge required for maintenance
  • Remote maintenance access for support tasks

The company

Get in touch with us

Would you like to find out more about the possible applications and benefits of 3D Machine Vision?
Just give us a call or send us an e-mail.

+49 741 942 286-00

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