VMB - Vision Machine Box

PC range for the highest image processing requirements under one brand

Whether as a PC vision platform for newly designed image processing applications using industrial cameras or as a supplement to existing image processing systems to expand performance with deep learning. We have the right combination for your task!

The four basic configurations of the new VMB PC series

  • As a “stand alone!” PC vision system as the basis for integrating standard industrial cameras
  • As a supplement or performance enhancement of smart cameras or other camera systems from various manufacturers with standardized input and output interfaces via ftp server for image transmission and OPC UA for evaluation, control and result communication
  • Different image processing libraries in combination with different frameworks as a user interface.
  • Simple integration of deep learning software applications based on Cognex or Sualab.

The VMB is characterized by the following features

  • “Stand alone” or retrofit solution to increase performance.
  • Standardized, simple interface independent of the evaluation software
  • OPC UA Companion Specification for Machine Vision (“in preparation”)
  • Scalable in performance and range of functions
  • Brings high-end deep learning to smart camera projects
  • Compatible with Keyence, Cognex, Sick, Siemens and many more.
  • Integrated logging of all input and output parameters

VMB - Vision Machine Box

Get in touch with us

Would you like to find out more about our VisionMachineBOX? Just give us a call or send us an e-mail.

Tel. +49 741 942 286-00

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