Guiding robots using 2D/3D image processing solutions makes a significant contribution to optimizing production processes. This means that components that were previously installed by hand can now be assembled automatically with maximum precision. In addition, products can be reliably transferred to the next production step. For example, parts can be removed from a mesh box, placed precisely in a milling machine and then transferred to a deburring station.
Machine vision brings robots into position
For robots to work precisely and efficiently, they need to be guided by sensors. 2D or 3D image processing enables reliable localization of objects, especially in environments with changing conditions.
i-mation image processing systems for robot guidance are installed stationary or directly on the robot. They reliably identify workpieces and recognize their location and position in the production process. The results are immediately transmitted to the robot controller, enabling the efficient automation of robotic applications such as:
The detection software works on the basis of taught-in contour models of the components. The parts are also reliably detected in different lighting conditions, different component sizes or different positions – even with touching or partially overlapping components. This means that components that were previously only installed by hand can also be assembled automatically. A considerable advantage for the productivity and efficiency of production processes.
i-mation GmbH
Neckartal industrial estate
Neckartal 250
78628 Rottweil
+49 741 942 286-00
+49 741 942 286-90